Thursday, March 10, 2016

Why Does CNN Have a Conservative Commentator from TheBlaze Doing Their Democratic "Who Won The Debate" Story?

Now I know that the establishment media is biased against Bernie Sanders, I also know that they're deathly afraid of Conservatives because of decades of spurious "Liberal Media" media attacks leveled at them by those on the right. But even with all that WHY does CNN choose a right wing "pundit" Buck Sexton to write their obligatory "Who won the debate" story for

Now in case you think "Oh maybe he's a centrist for TheBlaze." Yeah, no, not so much.

This is the equivalent of letting Thom Hartmann write the "Who won the debate" story for a Fox News GOP debate on (Which I hope Fox News does by the way)
In addition to this there were some small yet interesting mistakes made on the page for this story. As everyone who uses a tabbed browser knows when you look at the tab it'll tell you the title of the page so you know what the different tabs are. I noticed something odd about mine so I looked at the html code and the <title> tag.

It appears the original title for this piece was "GOP debate: Clinton may regret immigration pledge (Opinion) -" but the later title was "Clinton, Sanders may regret immigration vows." I guess after they realized it wasn't a GOP debate after all they decided to begrudgingly acknowledge that despite their hopes Sanders was in fact at the debate. Although maybe this is why they picked this guy to write the piece...
The substance of that first half, however, was so full of blatant pandering to Latino voters and wild promises to wield executive power on their behalf that it could come back to haunt the eventual Democratic nominee (likely Hillary Clinton) in a general election.
The rest of the article reads as the drivel you would come to expect from a Conservative who authored the above tweets. If you care to read it for a good laugh you can find it here, until CNN edits it again.

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