Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Why Isn't Anyone Talking About Secretary Clinton's Abortion Answer?

I know that the establishment media would never talk about this, but I'm curious why this isn't making more of a splash online. Secretary Clinton shockingly said she favors restrictions on late term abortion during the Fox News Town Hall.

"I have been on record in favor of a late
pregnancy regulation that would have
exceptions for the life and health of the mother."
-Hillary Clinton

Meanwhile, Senator Sanders took a much more progressive and quite frankly frankly acceptable stance for progressive voters.

"I am very strongly Pro-Choice, that is a
decision to be made by the woman,
her physician and her family, that's my view."
- Bernie Sanders
Do Secretary Clinton supporters know this? Anecdotally most of the hardcore supporters for her are women, I'm wondering if they know about and accept this blatant attack on their reproductive rights. This isn't the first time the Secretary has said this either, so it's not like it was a slip of the tongue.

I'm also wondering if they know that Planned Parenthood endorsed Secretary Clinton without first checking to see who was the stronger candidate on Reproductive rights. In fact, right after the Town Hall the head of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, tweeted this.

To which I replied "You mean... like herself?" and then I posted a link to the video above. No response. I wasn't the only one who slammed her for this hypocrisy, but the next day she went back to tweeting like nothing had happened, completely ignoring the very valid concerns put forth to her.

Now, to be CRYSTAL clear I fully support Planned Parenthood and the important work they do, I'm not about to have this post come off like I'm some kind of far right jackass who wants to defund it or severely limit it. Planned Parenthood is under siege and it needs the support of all progressives. All I'm saying is it doesn't exactly help its cause with progressives when its leader and board support the candidate with the least progressive views on abortion in the race, and then double down on that support after said candidate is demonstrably shown to be worse on this supremely important issue.

This is what the establishment does, they support their candidate no matter what. Senator Sanders got slammed in the media when he called Planned Parenthood part of the establishment, and I agree that the point was misstated, but I think instances like this show that while the organization as a whole isn't part of the establishment their leadership certainly acts like they are.

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